SEVEN easy steps to perfect recall
As a dog trainer located on the South Coast, I am constantly seeing dogs out of control on the beach or on the South Downs. We all know...
New classes - book now
Love this idea of being able to take your dogs with you. Being free and happy. Check out all we have to offer and choose the perfect...
32 Not out – Why we have lived with over 32 German Shepherds
As a dog trainer based in Surrey and Hampshire, I have become known as the go to person when your German Shepherd in misbehaving. Whether...
So you think you want to work with dogs?
Have you got what it takes? According to the BBC news today “Every year, hundreds of thousands of people in the UK go self-employed by...
Dad, I don't want to walk with you!!
I saw several dogs yesterday that quite plainly had no attachment to the person who was walking them. Sad isn’t it. Okay, so maybe they...
Team building in a tank
Well yesterday we went to the tank Museum in Bovington to find out more about Stuart’s father. He was a tank commander and we wanted to...
D Day75 - Rules and Relaxation
So this week the country has been commemorating the sacrifice our older generations made to keep us free from tyranny. So many amazing...
According to the news - dog walking is dangerous
According to BBC news today “Surgeons are warning dog owners not to wrap leads around their fingers or wrist because of the dangers of...