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It’s VE Day75

It’s VE Day and we should all be celebrating 75 years since the end of the second world war. Street parties had been planned and concerts organised. Plans have all changed now.

Many of us have parents or grandparents who lived through this, and had plans to be with them to recognise their lives and give thanks Sadly due to the current situation we are not able to do this as we wanted. A piece of history that we will have to acknowledge differently. No one then recognised themselves as brave, they just got on with it. Not a choice really. Both Stuart and I had Dads that served and they would have just said “we were just doing our job!”

With all that’s going on at the moment we are creating a new part of history and it’s difficult isn’t it? “How are you doing?” This was a regular question asked during the Second World War and once again we hear it on a regular basis and out and about at the shops or doing our walk. It is amazing how the way people are coping is very similar. Not that I class the situation as the same as being bombed but the stress of lockdown is very real.

I am hearing more and more that our dogs are struggling too. To begin with it was great having you there all the time, but now we have dogs barking at the window, in the garden and for what it would appear, no reason at all. There is a reason - your dog is reacting to how you are and all the new noises they can hear as so many of us are at home. And now when we hear things maybe changing again, fingers crossed, they will have to get used to being alone again.

As I mentioned at the beginning of lockdown, it is best to establish a routine to help your dog (and you). One way to help them cope with being left is to start by getting your dog used to being left by leaving them in another room while you do something, teach them to settle and be quiet rather than play all day - contact me for more help and let’s work out a plan.

We don’t know what restrictions we will have but I am pretty sure face masks will be involved so that’s something new we may have to help our dogs with.

I am currently able to offer 121 help at local secure fields so if you would like some help, do get in touch or if you have somewhere we can work, and still observe the social distancing rules, I can come to you.

Take care of yourselves and enjoy today with your family.



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